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The symptoms of acute interstitial pneumonia (Hamman-Rich syndrome) are similar to those of influenza and acute respiratory distress syndrome.

There is a fulminant course with rapidly progressing respiratory failure and a high percentage of deaths. Differential diagnosis of interstitial pneumonia is carried out with bacterial pneumonia, tuberculosis, and other IPDs. Treatment and diagnostic measures for interstitial pneumonia involve the interaction of a pulmonologist, thoracic surgeon, radiologist, and pathologist. Early diagnosis of interstitial pneumonia has a positive effect on the effectiveness of treatment and prognosis. In the case of acute interstitial pneumonia, respiratory function is maintained with oxygen therapy and artificial ventilation. Treatment of other forms is based on the use of glucocorticosteroids (GCS) and cytostatics that can have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effect.

For NSIP, COP, RB-IBL, DIP and LIP, high or medium doses of prednisolone over a long course are indicated, with the addition of clomid drugs if necessary. Smoking cessation is a prerequisite for the resolution of desquamative interstitial pneumonia and respiratory bronchiolitis associated with ILD. For IPF, GCS monotherapy and more preferable combinations with azathioprine or cyclophosphamide are used for at least 6 months. with careful monitoring of the patient's condition.

The outcome of interstitial pneumonia depends on the form of the disease and the severity of clomiphene fibrosis. The average survival rate of patients is 5-6 years; in IPF with the development of pneumosclerosis and cardiopulmonary failure, life expectancy does not exceed 3 years. Acute interstitial pneumonia, even with timely treatment, has very high mortality rates - up to 50-70%. Most cases of lymphocytic interstitial and cryptogenic organizing pneumonia have a favorable prognosis. RB-ILD often resolves with smoking cessation, and in some cases there is persistent progression with relapses. Patients with IPF are regularly vaccinated against influenza and pneumococcal disease.

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Idiopathic interstitial pneumonia is an inflammatory disease of the lungs that primarily affects the connective tissue around the alveoli (interstitium). The group of nosologies united by this term includes many diffuse parenchymal lung diseases. They all have a number of common features. unknown etiology, similar clinical picture and radiological signs. Therefore, their diagnosis is difficult, and only the results of histological examination help to distinguish these diseases from each other.

Symptoms and treatment of interstitial pneumonia. The interstitium, in which the inflammatory process occurs, is located in the partitions between the alveoli of the lung and the blood vessels. Due to the action of the infectious agent, swelling occurs, which leads to disruption of clomid pills. If the disease is protracted, the lung tissue is subject to irreversible fibrosis. The division of interstitial pneumonia into groups is based on the morphological changes that occur in the lung tissues. According to them, the following types are distinguished. The correct morphological diagnosis can only be established with the help of a lung biopsy, which is done openly or during thoracoscopy. Most often, due to the severe general condition of patients, this diagnostic method is not used.

There are several common symptoms that unite all types of interstitial pneumonia. The onset of nonspecific interstitial pneumonia is gradual, with symptoms present for many years and progressing over time. Patients also complain of clomiphene pills, constant physical weakness and poor exercise tolerance. Diagnosis of the disease takes time, and it is often possible to establish the correct diagnosis only 3-5 years after the onset of the disease. Men and women over 40 years of age are more likely to get sick; smokers and people who already suffer from connective tissue diseases are more predisposed to NIP.